Monday, August 3, 2015

Irrfan's Party Song - AIB is Awesome :P


   I really felt that after the roast controversy, which did give them good advertising, really trust our politicos to do the hard work of creating a controversy out of a controversial gig and give it more mileage than the producers intended to, AIB would be a little off the radar. But why they never did anything wrong, if you are offended by watching people being offended then don't watch the roast, SIMBLE.
Well After the Roast, why am I still roasting, well to get to the point, this is a post by AIB which is seriously hilarious. A brilliant take on the Party songs which Bollywood keeps churning out, which converted Honey Singh to lots of Money Singh. 

Enough talking watch it, and let me warn you even this has some flowery cuss words, so if you are offended don't watch or maybe get off the INDERNED. 


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